Saturday, January 1, 2011

1st post on 2011~

Posted by blinking-star-sceret at 11:53 AM
happiiiiiiii newwww yearrrrr!
hav a great 2011 n stay happy ya~


♥ 上课不要打瞌睡了。。哈哈~
♥ 好好的享受生活~
♥ fight for AS n A2~
♥ frens 4eva wif an11b~

jing ying~ sweet 4eva wif ur dar!! haha...all da best in ur study ya ♥

yung jieh~ don 4get 2 bring taylor's leng zai-sss out during our next gathering ya... gambateh♥

kah yan~ next time belanja me yamcha ya..since u earn a lots during tis holiday... good luck in everything o ♥

wan yu~ i will try my best 2 not let people bully me de =p haha.....don 4get 2 cum tarc find me o...jia you ♥

xin di~ waiting 4 u 2 cum back from kmk...after graduate from thr..pls don go too far liao lar..haha..miss u ♥

siew yin~ tell me how u study econs de...T.T my econs seriously mm dim lar.....thanks 4 always help me in my life ♥

mean bei~ i miss u..... enjoy ur life at melacca o.... seriously..u r cute..hahaha.... don let people bully u o...try 2 defend urself...n never trust people easily ♥


* had my last minutes of 2010 and 1st minutes of 2011 at station 1...wif lao po-ss n da 2 funny+friendly singer... a wonderful nite!!.. v were thr too...1 years ago....
** and my 1st breakfast of 2011 was dim sum ♥
*** hav 2 go back setapak 2morrow T.T can i say no?? T.T


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Saturday, January 1, 2011

1st post on 2011~

happiiiiiiii newwww yearrrrr!
hav a great 2011 n stay happy ya~


♥ 上课不要打瞌睡了。。哈哈~
♥ 好好的享受生活~
♥ fight for AS n A2~
♥ frens 4eva wif an11b~

jing ying~ sweet 4eva wif ur dar!! haha...all da best in ur study ya ♥

yung jieh~ don 4get 2 bring taylor's leng zai-sss out during our next gathering ya... gambateh♥

kah yan~ next time belanja me yamcha ya..since u earn a lots during tis holiday... good luck in everything o ♥

wan yu~ i will try my best 2 not let people bully me de =p haha.....don 4get 2 cum tarc find me o...jia you ♥

xin di~ waiting 4 u 2 cum back from kmk...after graduate from thr..pls don go too far liao lar..haha..miss u ♥

siew yin~ tell me how u study econs de...T.T my econs seriously mm dim lar.....thanks 4 always help me in my life ♥

mean bei~ i miss u..... enjoy ur life at melacca o.... seriously..u r cute..hahaha.... don let people bully u o...try 2 defend urself...n never trust people easily ♥


* had my last minutes of 2010 and 1st minutes of 2011 at station 1...wif lao po-ss n da 2 funny+friendly singer... a wonderful nite!!.. v were thr too...1 years ago....
** and my 1st breakfast of 2011 was dim sum ♥
*** hav 2 go back setapak 2morrow T.T can i say no?? T.T


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